Townhouses for Rent in Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan

38 results found

Have you ever considered buying a townhouse along the Gulf of Thailand? If so, may we suggest looking in or around Hua Hin, within the Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. This area is renowned in Thailand for being not only full of beautiful beaches, but a home to the Royal Family. It is an area to boast about if you own a townhouse there. If you want to start searching for a townhouse to buy within the Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, just type that area in to the search engine at the top of this page. You can get more specific as well by entering in Hua Hin or even the name of a road if you already have an idea of what you want. When you do, you will get all of our listings that fit your criteria as well as the contact information of the real estate agent who can help you with whatever property you are interested in. It has never been easier to find the perfect townhouse in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province.

Hua Hin townhouse Market insight

The median list price for townhouses in Hua Hin is ฿ 4,078,786. The median list price has gone down by 0.0% over the last year. The median list price per square meter for townhouses in Hua Hin is ฿ 25,940 per sqm.

The median rent price for townhouses in Hua Hin is ฿ 18,298.
Thailand Property is Thailand’s leading online real estate rental resource, listing 33 affordable townhouses for rent in Hua Hin. Save this search to receive emails when new townhouses for rent are listed in Hua Hin. Rental properties in Hua Hin are provided by Thailand’s top real estate professionals and private home owners. Agents can also help you speed up your townhouses search in Hua Hin. You can also create your own rental listing by uploading your townhouses for rent for free in two easy steps - signing in and creating a property ad. In addition to rentals in Hua Hin. Thailand Property also provides townhouses for sale in Hua Hin should you like to compare availability.