easy ways to reduce your water usage

Easy ways to reduce your water usage at home

Monthly water bills aren’t nearly as costly as electricity or internet costs, but it’s always a good idea to save money when you can....
Singapore property prices are recovering. Find condos for sale in Singapore cost of living rankings for overseas workers

Singapore rises and Thailand falls in latest global cost of living rankings for overseas...

Overseas workers are finding it more expensive to live in Singapore while money is going further in Thailand these days. Those were two of...

Self Storage or Door to Door Storage: Options for People with Limited Space

No need to choose, just contact i-StoreIt’s not wrong if you choose to stay in the city or CBD area where it is easy...

Home is for your pets too

Moving into a new home is exciting - for the humans in the family. It can be less comfortable for pets who need time...

5 places to workout in Bangkok

Workout in Bangkok in one these popular fitness establishments.The fitness scene is big business but exercising in the heat can be tough. Many condominiums in...
Bangkok International Veterans Soccer 7’s returns in June

Be a part of the Bangkok International Veterans Soccer 7’s

The Bangkok International Veterans Soccer 7’s returns on 3-4 June with teams from Australia, China, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam already signed...

5 of the best rooftop bars in Sathon and Silom

Head to one of these rooftop bars for your next night out in Sathon and Silom. If you are a keen to only drink at...
Siargao property for sale

Asia’s Best Beaches – Siargao

This story on Siargao is part of our Asia's Best Beaches' series that appears in the latest issue of Dot Property Magazine. Click here to...
condo clean during rainy season

6 hacks to keep your condo clean during rainy season

Keeping your condo clean during rainy season is a difficult task. Water, mud and dirt surround us during these months and they almost always...
Khon Kaen Thailand opportunity

Why entrepreneurs looking for opportunity in Thailand should consider Khon Kaen

Finding gaps in the market and locating new opportunities in Thailand can be difficult. Especially in the food and beverage and retail sectors. Competition...