qualified property sales lead

What is a qualified property sales lead?

There is a bit of confusion surrounding what is a qualified property sales lead these days. Some of that stems from the fact different...
December real estate agents

Things real estate agents can do to stay busy during December

December tends to be a slower month for the real estate industry. Home buyers and renters have either already made a decision or are...
real estate agent difficult client

How real estate agents can deal with a difficult client

Most of your clients will be pleasant to work with. They have an idea of what they want and will rely on you to...

Learn about real estate’s most powerful marketing solution at Dot Property Live! An Introduction...

Proppit is proving to be a gamechanger for real estate agents. It’s the industry’s most powerful marketing solution, allowing you to enjoy greater visibility...
real estate agents tips

4 tips for real estate agents working with international clients

Real estate agents that work with international clients face a lot of unique challenges. Local property seekers are likely going to have totally different...
Developers Southeast Asia

What strategies can developers utilize to cope with the current crisis?

The current COVID-19 situation has impacted the global economy as well as real estate markets in individual countries. Property developers in places such as...

How to get testimonials

You know your business possesses a great model, code of ethics and produces top-notch results – but how will potential customers see this?Think of the...
Geocon The Establishment

Thailand-based real estate agents can earn 6% commission on properties in Australia’s leading investment...

Geocon, one of Australia’s largest developers, is offering Thailand-based real estate agents and brokers 6 percent commission for selling their properties. In order to...
Sell property fast in Thailand

Be seen, sell fast with Thailand Property

Listing your home, condominium, land or commercial real estate on Thailand Property is the best way to sell property fast. But did you know there is...
Make your listings more effective

Make your listings more effective by doing these 4 things

Listings are the lifeblood of your business. They are the first point of contact most people have with a property. What they see and...