Sky-High Summertime Electricity Bills? 3 Tips to Pay Less

Bright colorful silk ribbons on an electric fan

Bright colorful silk ribbons on an electric fanWhen you’re managing a house or a condo in a very hot climate like Thailand, chances are that you’re going to be spending a bit more of your income on your electric bill in the summer months. During the hottest months of the year (March – June), it is easy to rack up an extraordinary bill without even realising how.

Below are some tips and tricks that will help you become more aware of how some simple actions around your house or condo can seriously affect how much or how little you’ll owe on your next bill.

Be Aware of Where Air Conditioning Goes

Air conditioning, not surprisingly is the single-most cause for skyrocketing energy bills during the hottest months of the year. It goes without saying that you should always be hyper-aware of its settings when you’re at home, and remember to turn it off when you’re not there.

Simply being aware of the fact that it’s on or off is not enough though to save your bills. You should also pay attention to areas where the air con might escape, such as out a sliding door or a window that’s not totally secure. If you find areas like this, seal them using whatever means necessary. You can use thick tape, caulk and weather-stripping to seal these weak areas.

In the same way, things that block your air conditioning can have a big effect on your bills. If something is preventing the air from having a free flow (perhaps furniture in the way) you are needlessly making it work harder and use more electricity.

Practice Cost-Effective Cooking

Cooking, in any form can up your home electricity costs during hot months. If you have an electric stove, of course using it at all will require some energy usage but it’s worth mentioning that using a pot or pan that’s too large for the burner will require the stove to work harder than it needs to. Try to stick with kitchen equipment that fits with your appliance so that you are not wasting valuable energy. If you’re using an oven, this will heat up the room and will cause your air con to work harder. If you are going to use an oven during hot months, try to use it only after the sun goes down when it’s naturally cooler outside. Finally, you can save lots of energy by cooking in a crock-pot or slow-cooker instead of a stove top or oven (not to mention that you’ll also save time in the kitchen).

Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Similar to the idea of using a crock pot instead of a stove, try to use a fan instead of the air conditioning when possible. This will save you tremendous amounts on your electricity bills. The same concept goes for using the right, energy-efficient light bulbs and turning off the lights when you’re not using them. When it comes time to do laundry, use cold water to wash and leave the drier off while you let your clothes naturally air dry outside.

What other tips do you have to reduce your monthly electricity bills during the hot season?