More US visitors to Bangkok

With a proven link between holidaymakers and eventual property sales this can only be good news for Thailand’s property and real estate markets.

Bangkok was the most-visited place in the Asia-Pacific region bu Americans during the first six months of the year, rising in popularity by a massive 10 places year-on-year to reach the 11th most popular destination according to research from the website.

With the proven link between holidaymakers and eventual overseas property buyers this can only be good news for Thailand’s property and real estate markets.

Only Tokyo and Hong Kong outranked Bangkok in terms of Asian cities visited by Americans earlier this year, and Bangkok outranked places such as Singapore, Seoul and Sydney by wide margins.

London, Paris and Rome were the top three countries visited by US. residents during the first six months of the year – the same as the previous year.

In terms of property, Americans have traditionally purchased at the higher end, especially in the resort, so providing the trend increases and Bangkok maintains its popularity with this audience then it could prove to be another lucrative market for the industry in future years.

Top Countries for US visitors H1 2015