Historic Dot Property Show in Shanghai Concludes

The Dot Property Show in Shanghai wrapped up last week with those visiting Super Brand Mall, Shanghai’s premier shopping destination, impressed with the amazing international developments on display. Buyers had a chance to see the best projects from the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Cyprus first hand and book units hassle free.

Sodichan, a joint venture between Australia's largest Chinese language property portal ACproperty.com.au and international online marketing giant

, ListGlobally, aims to overcome language and cultural gaps between international sellers and Chinese buyers by delivering millions of properties from Europe

, US and UK to a Mandarin audience. Most importantly, the Sodichan team provides comprehensive concierge services to give agents and developers the right language

, tools and strategies to effectively transact with Chinese buyers. Sodichan also work with property developers to distribute their developers to a network of agents across China.

“Chinese invested $16.1 billion in overseas real estate in the first half of [2016], more than double the amount in the same period last year.”

The Dot Property Show, Shanghai is dedicated to directly tapping you into this booming marketplace. Investors in China are more eager than ever to invest in overseas markets. They are looking for everything from portfolio diversification, vacation properties, visas, better education opportunities for their children.

Right now, Shanghai is one of the most attractive places in China to meet high-net worth investors.

The marketing is arranged. The logistics are prepared for you. The Dot Property Show, Shanghai offers a rare, hassle-free opportunity to meet buyers, collect leads, and convert them into sales.


“ 仅在2016上半年, 中国人在海外地产行业中已经投资了1.61千万美金,超过了去年的同期投资数额的两倍。”

上海The Dot Property 秀, 将带领你走进这个兴兴向荣的大市场中。 中国的投资者们比在任何时候都渴望将投资扩展到海外市场中。他们正在寻找多元化的投资组合, 例如度假房产,签证,以及更优质的教育资源。

现在, 上海已经成为中国最受高收入投资人士青睐的场所之一。

市场已经为您打开, 后勤管理也为你准备好了。上海The dot property秀为您提供了一个杰出免费的机会去接触买家们,发展人脉,让他们参与到销售中来。

“60% of Chinese high-net-worth individuals plan to buy property abroad within the next three years.”
-Immigration and the Chinese HNWI 2016

Super Brand is the #1 major shopping destination in Shanghai. Located in central Pudong between the Jin Mao and Shanghai Towers and surrounded by the financial and business districts, this is the ideal venue to approach the Shanghai property buyers market.

The Dot Property Show, Shanghai stretches the full length of the venue. Between our aggressive marketing Strategy and ideal location, we look Forward to delivering an incredible Shanghai expo with you

30 Million Yearly Visitors


“ 在接下来三年之内,中国60%的高收入个体都将把地产投资目光转向海外市场。”

正大广场是上海首屈一指的购物天堂。 位于在浦东的中心, 坐落在金茂大厦和上海中心大厦之间, 四周环绕着商业经济区域,这是接近上海房产投资买家最理想的集会中心

在我们具有竞争力的市场策略和理想的地理位置的优势之下,上海The dot property秀将集会中心扩展到最大范围,我们期待与您一起创造一个完美的上海展会。

每年有 3千万的参观者