
Top tips for home maintenance

Follow these quick tips to make looking after your home maintenance a breeze.

Looking after a property in a hot and humid climate may differ than what you are used to should you have not previously lived in the tropics. We have compiled a few tips for you to consider in order to keep your home looking in tip top shape.

1. Filling holes in the wall. 

Surprisingly toothpaste has more than one use! Should you come across a small hole in your wall, then fill it with toothpaste and then smooth the surface with a damp sponge. The paste will harden and you can then paint over it. Assuming you get the texture spot it should be completely unnoticeable. Toothpaste can also be used to remove some wall stains by applying it to the area and then scrape it off softly and then dampening the wall with a wet cloth.  

2. Dripping taps.

Eradicate that annoying sound of a tap dripping by tying a piece of string to the tap for the water to gently slide off or use a towel to catch the drip whilst you wait for the repair to be fixed. 

3. Paint like a pro. 

Keep paintbrush heads wrapped in a plastic bag should you take a break whilst painting. The key is to keep the air out and not to leave it in the sun so that the brush remains moist. Once you have finished painting remove the hardened remains of paint, soak the brush in white vinegar and water in equal parts, and then wash it with soap and water. To remove the smell of paint afterwards place slices of freshly cut onion in several containers around the room and they will absorb the smell in minutes. 

4. Conquer the humidity. 

The downside of the heat is the humidity it brings. Remove moisture from walls and ceilings with a sponge dampened with bleach carefully whilst wearing gloves to protect yourself.