
Ten Essential Words of Wisdom from Anonymous Expats in Thailand

Moving to Thailand? You’re not alone! Thousands of new expats are settling into to the Land of Smiles every year, buying houses by the beach or renting condos in Bangkok and just learning about how to best get along in their new country.

With so many expats moving to Thailand before you, there’s lots of great advice, helpful tips and useful information available all around the internet. Here we’ve compiled it into ten essential words of wisdom for anyone new to life in Thailand:

1) When it comes to eating, follow the crowd

“Anywhere you see large gatherings of Thai people around a street food vendor, try it. To order, point at what someone else is eating. Chances are that you won’t be disappointed by the taste or quality of food.”

“The easiest way to get “street cred” as an expat is to be interested in the local cuisine. Just leave your ideas of Western standards behind you.”

More info on how to order street food in Thailand here.

2) Be nice. Really nice

“Smiles and friendly waves of thanks are welcome in any language.”

“When in Thailand, respect the local culture and don’t show anger.”

“Be polite. Mo matter how long you’ve been here, you are still just a guest.”

3) Find any excuse to talk to the locals

“Don’t be afraid to try to use their language, even if you think your vocabulary is small. Taxi drivers, hairdressers, waiters, etc. will all be pleased to offer you their best service if you speak to them in Thai.”

4) Be ready to fall in love with Thailand

“Most people end up staying for far longer than they originally planned. But that’s ok, because to be successful while living in another country you have to be prepared to get out there and get sucked in!”

5) Always say yes to an invite

“The only way to really integrate is to mix with the locals. If you are invited to dinner or a weekend getaway, don’t think twice.”

“When you arrive, do everything that presents itself as an opportunity or new experience, even if it doesn’t sound ideal.”

6) Think in Baht

“Don’t continue to convert the ฿ into your home currency. If you’re getting paid in Baht, think in Baht, otherwise you will have a warped perspective of how much things should cost and what they are worth.”

7) Don’t dwell on your past home

“Keep a clock near you showing your native time so you’ll know what loved ones are up to, but not your watch, phone or computer. You’re living somewhere new now, and this is your new time zone.”

“With living abroad, there are fun times and there are tough times. At all times, believe in yourself and know that you are not alone.”
“A new environment means a new set of thinking. It always gives me a fresh perspective so take the opportunity to reflect.”

8) Enjoy your new home

“In the beginning when everything is new, remember that you’re not a tourist. You can take real time to do things. Don’t bring a map when you have free time. Take long walks, visit museums.”

“No matter how temporary your home in Thailand is, make sure it feels like home. Don’t just settle on the first house or condo that fits your budget. Look into options and find something that feels right. With websites like you can really take your time and find a house or condo, for sale or rent, that is perfect for you.”

9) Don’t reinvent the wheel

“Listen to the advice of long established expats. Talk to people. And never forget that you’re a guest.”

“You can of course learn by experience, but you learn exponentially faster by asking for advice, opinions and tips from those who have come before you. There’s no shame in asking for help, in fact it’s the smart thing to do.”

10) Pack strategically

“Thailand’s climate is tropical. Heat and rain. That’s what you’ll get. Pack clothes that don’t show wetness and dry quickly.”

“There’s no need to pack excessively, as everything’s readily available including medicines, cosmetics, household items, and all the clothes you’re used to wearing. Just bring the essentials and start fresh when you get here.”