
Five Mysterious Thai Superstitions

If you are an expat in Thailand, you may be aware that the Thai culture is full of superstitions. The strong Buddhist influence that Thailand has experienced for centuries has instilled many unique beliefs and quirks to modern daily life.

1. Colours for Each Weekday and Specific Events

Have you noticed that more people tend to wear yellow on Monday? It is a Thai superstition based on a combination of astrological and ancient Hindu beliefs, as well as respect for the King (who was born on a Monday) that you should wear certain colours on certain days, as well as avoid colours on particular days. On Tuesday, try to wear pink but avoid yellow and white. On Wednesday, avoid the colour pink and instead wear green. Don’t wear black on Fridays, and always avoid the colour when attending a wedding. During Songkran, try to wear a flower pattern for a prosperous forthcoming year.

2. Cut Nothing on Wednesday

If you’ve ever tried to get your hair cut on a Wednesday you may run into some difficulties, as most salons will be closed on this day. Based on the Thai Solar Calendar Wednesday is dedicated to Buddha. It is thought of as an auspicious day that promotes growth.  Cutting hair would thus be cutting the opportunity for something to grow, so the action should be avoided. Similarly, you should avoid cutting your nails on Wednesday.

3. Choosing Lottery Numbers

The lottery, as it is all over the world, is very popular in Thailand. What’s special about the Thailand lottery though is how people select their numbers. There are no limits to the madness, but there’s always a method.  Depending on the person, they will look for clues for the lucky number. For example, if it is December, one may choose to buy five lottery tickets or use the number five in their selection, as the King’s birthday is December 5th.  Or if six flowers bloomed one day, then nine may be selected as the lucky pick. It’s also common to hear of lottery players visiting a temple to pray for clues about the winning number.

Similarly, choosing a mobile phone number is a big deal to Thai’s, who may even go so far as to see a fortune teller for insight on the best number. Chances are that the fortune teller will include the number nine in his prophecy, as nine is generally considered to be lucky.

4. Take Care of Spirits Around Your Home

It is commonly believed that spirits, or souls who have died and have connections to people still living will linger in the home.  In order to take care of these spirits, most homes will have a small “spirit house” inside or in the yard where the living can leave daily offerings of flowers, food or drink, or even figurines representing a different sort of gift. For example, if you want your spirit to have a horse to ride, you can leave it a figurine of a horse. Some people believe if they do this the spirits will protect them, while others do it so the spirits stay out of their house.

This tradition of caring for spirit houses is of Buddhist decent but is practised by many Thais, regardless of how religious they are. If you build a new house and don’t include a spirit house it will be of no negative consequence to you. However, if you move into a home with a pre-existing spirit house and don’t take care of it, you may upset the spirits. Better safe than sorry!

5. Listen for the Geckos

This one may not affect you as much if you live in a Bangkok condo, but if you are living in a quieter area with lots of wildlife, pay attention to the sounds around you when you walk out your front door. If you hear a gecko crying, stay inside. The gecko is warning you that if you proceed a bad incident will happen.